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Lines of Effort

Expert Education

NIDS offers agile, multimodal education experiences that are designed and taught by experienced deterrence practitioners and experts who are passionate about their mission to edify and inspire America. Our objectives are simple: 1) increase the average American’s awareness of deterrence efficacy; 2) expand the next generation of deterrence professionals, the workforce whose mission is to ensure the worldwide peace, security, and stability for America and its allies; and 3) enhance the thinkers and champions of deterrence, those who compete in the arena of ideas.

Relevant Research

NIDS research develops products that are meant to expand the understanding and appreciation for deterrence as a means of providing peace and stability. Our written and broadcast products are meant to be thoughtprovoking and informative from a broad application and experience background. Likewise, our fellows (a key component to this effort) contribute from their experiences and knowledge to provide well-rounded study and understanding of the impacts and application of deterrence.

Collaborative Consulting

NIDS is composed of deterrence practitioners who have a sustained history of dedicated national service oriented in the study and practice of deterrence. By engaging with us, you access the knowledge and experiences of our diverse experts. The products and efforts led by NIDS have the distinction of practical application and immediate value for implementation.