National Institute for Deterrence Studies (NIDS)  

NIDS is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization that provides national security analysis, policy solutions, and deterrence education. It informs involved or interested parties, while advocating for peace through the responsible application of America’s vibrant nuclear deterrent. 

Our events are sponsored in part through NIDS to leverage top thought leaders in the industry and academic institutions for further dialog on the nation’s top deterrence issues.   

If you want to become part of one of our events please email us at 

If you are in the national security, international security, nuclear enterprise, and associated fields we encourage you to get involved with our programs and eventsWe offer a wide range of opportunities to highlight your expertise or if you are interested in getting the latest information in global security and nuclear deterrence.   

If you would like to donate to this organizations critical mission, please visit our donation page at: 
(All donations are tax deductible and honored through a secure web site)

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Global Security Review 


An online journal publishing strategic deterrence related commentary and related informationGlobal Security Review serves as an alternative voice to publications like Arms Control Today and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist by publishing articles that take a realistic view of the world. The majority of the journal’s authors have years and decades of experience in the subjects they discuss. We encourage you to visit the journal at:  If you are experienced in national security, cyber or space deterrence and would like to write for our journal we would like to hear your thoughts. 

Global Security Review Journal

NIDS Podcast Network.  

Our experienced deterrence practitioners host two podcastsThe NIDS Knowledge where you will find us informing the national security arena and publics on strengthening national security, preserving peace, and helping everyone think deterrence, giving a ~9-minute lesson from our team of expertsIn our NIDS View podcast, you will get immersed in todays’ important deterrence related topics that are sure to increase your awareness of deterrence thinking. Are You Listening? 

Deterrence Education 

If you or your organization desires a certification in deterrence then we have courses for youDevelop your knowledge, enhance your thinking, and advance your career with agile, multimodal education experiences that are designed and taught by experienced deterrence practitionersVisit our NIDS Academy to find out how our education can help individuals, teams and organizations think deterrence.  


Our Deterrence Education at NIDS Academy
banner for describing how you can level up your organization with NIDS Experts.


Our two-day workshop is designed to provide participants with a broad understanding of the nuclear deterrence mission in support of talent retention and executive education. 

We will introduce Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Weapons Effects, Deterrence Theory and moreIf you are interested in more details, please send your request to  

Engagement Events. 

Our talented deterrence practitioners are ready to support your speaking needsWe can provide lecture series, workshops, briefings, at events or become a guest on your television, podcast or radio broadcastsSend all availability inquires to