Welcome to the NIDS Publication Archive

This page is intended to be a resource for deterrence professionals and anyone seeking to increase their understanding of deterrence topics. This page includes recent NIDS articles sorted by month and google scholar entries for NIDS members with links. 

Recent Articles



Elena Echeverria, John McClory, Lauren Samson, Katherine Shene, Juan A. Colón Santana, Yaroslav Burak, Volodymyr Adamiv, Ihor Teslyuk, Lu Wang, Wai-Ning Mei, Kyle A. Nelson, Douglas S. McGregor,
Peter A. Dowben, Carolina C. Ilie, James Petrosky and Archit Dhingra.  Lithium Tetraborate as a Neutron Scintillation Detector: A Review.  Crystals 2024, 14, 61. https://doi.org/10.3390/



D. D. Lynes, H. Chandrahalim, J. E. Bevins and J. C. Petrosky, “Unfolding the Effects of Cobalt-60 Irradiation on Contour-Mode Piezoelectric Resonators,” 2023 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium (IUS), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/IUS51837.2023.10307274. (pdf is available with an IEEE membership.)



Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Correcting the Record, By Adam Lowther & Stephen Cimbala (NIDS Senior Fellow) & Curtis McGiffin


Who will defend critical space infrastructure if not the space force?, Christopher Stone (NIDS Senior Fellow)

Why America Has a Launch on Attack Option, War on the Rocks, Derek Williams (NIDS Fellow) and Adam Lowther 


The Primacy of Nuclear Deterrence, Real Clear Defense, Jonathan Trexel (NIDS Senior Fellow) and Adam Lowther.

The Block Nuclear Launch by Autonomous AI Act is Bad Legislation, 19fortyfive.com, Adam Lowther and Curtis McGiffin


Department of Defense or Deterrence?, 19fortyfive.com, Derek Williams (NIDS Fellow) and Adam Lowther

President Biden’s Nuclear Posture Review…Seven Months Later, Global Security Review, Sam Stanton (NIDS Senior Fellow) and Adam Lowther

The Utility of Deterrence, Real Clear Defense, Robyn Hutchins (NIDS Senior Analyst)

Congress must reject the Defense Department’s hope-based strategy in space, The Space Review, Christopher Stone (NIDS Senior Fellow, Space Deterrence Studies)


It Is Time for A New Nuclear Posture Review, Real Clear Defense, Robert Peters (NIDS Senior Fellow)


Space Force should prepare for the threat we have – not the one we prefer, The Hill, Christopher Stone (NIDS Senior Fellow, Space Deterrence Studies)

It Is Time Congress Save the Nuclear Arsenal, Real Clear Defense, Adam Lowther and Curtis McGiffin

2022 NPR – Light on Fear, Heavy on Confusion, in Expert Commentary on the 2022 National Security Strategy, National Institute for Public Policy, March 2023, Curtis McGiffin

Inconvenient Facts for the Disarmament Community, Real Clear Defense, James Petrosky, Curtis McGiffin, Adam Lowther

Ending the Administration’s Hopium Habit, Real Clear Defense, Christine Leah (NIDS Fellow), Curtis McGiffin, Adam Lowther


It is Time to Withdraw from New START, Real Clear Defense, Curtis McGiffin and Adam Lowther


Space norms of responsible behavior will not protect, defend or deter attackThe Hill, Christopher Stone (NIDS Senior Fellow, Space Deterrence Studies)

Repeat a Lie Often Enough and it Becomes the Truth, Real Clear Defense, James Ragland (NIDS Fellow), Adam Lowther

Space-to-ground capabilities are the answer to deterring invasion of TaiwanThe Space Review, Christopher Stone (NIDS Senior Fellow, Space Deterrence Studies)



 Integrated Deterrence: Grand Strategy’s Poor Cousin?, Real Clear Defense, Christine M. Leah (NIDS Fellow), Adam Lowther, Steve Cimbala (Senior Fellow) & Curtis McGiffin
 Just How Radioactive Are Low-Yield Nuclear Weapons?, The Drive, Adam Lowther, James Petrosky, James Ragland (NIDS Fellow) , Robyn Hutchins (NIDS Senior Analyst)


NIDS Member Publication Pages

Below are links to the published works, book chapters, and peer-reviewed articles of NIDS members.


More that 130 technical journal articles spanning technical subjects related to nuclear deterrence including: radiation hardening of electronics, radiation detection and material science. LINK 


50+ popular articles and publications covering deterrence theory. LINK


Articles covering deterrence and education. LINK