Dec 11 2023 – Guest Lecture at Air Force Global Strike Command, Nuclear Stewardship Executive Course Curtis McGiffin and Jim Petrosky. 

Dec 6, 2023 – Interview on Joe Messina Show

Peter Huessy, NIDS Senior Fellow is interviewed by show host Dave Sussman on his perspective why there is a concern about the Chinese Nuclear build up.  Peter examined the extent of the build up and what the U.S. can do.

Nov 7, 2023 – Review of the Newly Released GAO Report on Technology Need to Verify Arms Control Agreements

National Institue for Deterrence Studies

Peter Huessy, NIDS Senior Fellow presented a NIDS Seminar Series on “A Review of the Newly Released General Accounting Office (GAO) Report on the Need for Technology to Verify Arms Control Agreements.”  This virtual presentation with  Allison Bawden, Director of the Natural Resources and Environment Team (GAO) and Bill Hoehn, Assistant Director of the Natural Resources and Environment Team (GAO) discusses (September 2023) General Accounting Office (GAO) discussed the need for technology to verify arms control agreements.

Jul 28 and 4 AUG, 2023 – Challenges with Communication in a Post Nuclear Environment

Dr. Petrosky, NIDS President and Co-Founder, presented a seminar covering the challenges with communication in a post nuclear environment at the Dayton Applied Physics Society, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) meeting. He was invited back on 4 AUG to discuss effects of nuclear ionization on radio transmissions.

21 May 2023 – Effects of Nuclear Weapons on Communication Systems

Dr. Petrosky, NIDS President and Co-Founder,  presented a lecture at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT), Graduate School of Engineering and Management, Advanced Antennas course covering the effects of nuclear weapons on communication systems. This subject is particularly important to our NC3 systems which must provide reliable and persistent communications during any phase of conflict.

May 26, 2023 – Chinese Hacking on Guam

The DownLink” podcast: In case you missed it, Chris Stone, NIDS Senior Fellow for Space Deterrence, author of Reversing the Tao: A Framework for Credible Space Deterrence discussed the recent Microsoft report on a Chinese hacking groups penetration of Guam’s telecommunication systems and how their actions could impact various U.S. platforms and capabilities.

April 25-27, 2023 – United Kingdom’s Atomic Weapons Establishment Laboratory

NIDS Senior Fellow Tom Ramos gave a series of lectures at the United Kingdom’s Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE) laboratory in Aldermaston U.K. on various aspects of strategic defense research conducted at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the 1950s through to the 1980s.

April 24-28, 2023 – Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology (HEART) Conference

We had a great week at our NIDS booth at the 39th Hardened Electronics and Radiation Technology (HEART) Conference  on April 24-28, 2023 in Omaha, NE.

NIDS Members in attendance: Clark, Bradley, Lowther, McGiffin, Murphy, and Petrosky

Although the exhibit was our main purpose, while at the HEART conference, the NIDS crew, including Senior Fellow Wally Clark, did a bit of team building at the SAC museum, a must see if you are in Omaha. The EC-135C visit was especially important to us, however, the Adam and Curtis picture is priceless!

NIDS booth at HEART 2023
NIDS at EC-135 Looking glass
Curtis McGiffin and Curtis Lemay compared
NIDS team learning how to fly
We did some NIDS team building while at the HEART Conference

April 14, 2023 – Educating the Military Leaders of Tomorrow

Tom Ramos NIDS Senior Fellow gave a lecture about events mentioned in his book From Berkeley to Berlin to West Point cadets enrolled in the Defense Strategic Studies Program at the US Military Academy.

April 12, 2023 – Strategic Deterrence – History Holds Lessons for Today

NIDS Senior Fellow Tom Ramos gave a lecture on strategic deterrence based on his book From Berkeley to Berlin to members of the Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University.

April 11, 2023 – Peace through Nuclear Deterrence

Curtis McGiffin, NIDS Vice President for Education, provided a presentation and follow on discussion with the members and guests of the Farragut, TN Lions club.

March 18, 2023 – U.S. Space Force Budget – What it means to the future

Chris Stone, NIDS Senior Fellow for Space Deterrence, author of Reversing the Tao: A Framework for Credible Space Deterrence discussed Space operations and deep dive into what’s in the Department of Defense’s FY ‘24 United States Space Force budget on “The DownLink” podcast.

February 28, 2023 – Making Sense of the
Chinese Strategic Threat

Samuel S. Stanton Jr., NIDS Senior Fellow, presented a community lecture in conjunction with the Institute For Faith and Freedom “Making Sense of…” series at Grove City College.  His talk was “Making Sense of the Chinese Strategic Threat.”

February 28, 2023 – States of Matter – STEM Outreach

James Petrosky - STEM engagement
NIDS conducted their first K-12 engagement on STEM topics. Dr. James Petrosky, NIDS President presented a class/demonstration on the “States of Matter” to an audience of 35 4-6th grade homeschoolers in Huber Heights, Ohio.

Engaging and garnering interest in science at an early age can support development of a capable workforce for our future National Technical capabilities. “States of Matter” is a foundational subject to the science and engineering of survivability, testing, and development of needed capabilities.

February 22-23, 2023 – USSTRATCOM SAG work sessions

Dr. James Petrosky, NIDS President, participated in the U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) ST&T work sessions.

February 15-16, 2023 – Swarming and the Future of Warfare – Netherlands

NIDS Fellow, Zachary Kallenborn spoke on the panel “Swarming and the future of warfare: feasibility, impacts, governance” at the  Responsible and Ethical AI Summit.

February 9-10, 2023 – Order, Counter-Order, Disorder? Regional and Global Security Orders in the Shadow of Sino-American Competition

On 9-10 February 2023, Zachary Kallenborn, NIDS Fellow, spoke on drone counter-countermeasures, rampage terrorism, and existential terrorism  at the Department of Social Sciences at West Point seminar entitled “Order, Counterorder, Disorder?”

February 6, 2023 – Deterrence Discussion

Adam Lowther, NIDS Vice President for Research, provided a presentation on  Deterrence and held discussions with students from Ritsumekkan Asia Pacific University.

January 31, 2023 – Drone Swarms and their Military Implications

NIDS presentation at Oxford Workshop (OxWAMOS)

NIDS own Zachary Kallenborn discussed Drone Swarms and their military implications at the Oxford OxWAMOS workshop.

January 23, 2023 – Future Generations & Systemic Risks – Maastericht University

Zak Kallenborn at Maastericht University

The Long Term Risks and Future Generations Workshop brought together social scientists interested in how to integrate the interests of future generations into policymaking processes.

Zachary Kallenborn presented on the topic: Existential Terrorism: Can Terrorists Destroy Humanity?

December 5, 2022 – NIDS First PODCASTS are released

The Nuclear View is meant to give listeners inside access to the thoughts and ideas of the member-practitioners of NIDS including our Fellows, Analysts, and Interns. Each episode is a stand-alone topic and is expected to increase awareness of deterrence thinking, expand the next generation of deterrence professionals and prepare the workforce whose mission is to ensure peace, security, and stability The first episode, NIDS reviews the NPR was released on December 5th, with new episodes coming out each Monday.

Nuclear Knowledge is a weekly broadcast that informs the public on key deterrence topics and develops critical thinking using ~9 minute lessons from the team of experts in NIDS.  The first episode, What is Deterrence? was released on December 5th with new episodes coming out each Wednesday.

November 28-30, 2022 – Military Communications Conference (MILCOM) 22

Dr. Paul Sikora, presented “On the Tunability of Apollonian-Loaded Split Ring Resonator Topologies,” a collaborative paper with Dr. Heather Dussault, NIDS Fellow, and Dr. David Crouse at MILCOM 2022.

“The demand for more flexible RF systems is being driven by the opening up of additional spectrum to commercial interest and the ability to operate in contested, congested, and constrained environments. These demand signals drive interest in antenna technology advancements…” From Abstract 

November 19, 2022 – NIDS first Fellows/Analysts/Interns meeting

The first meeting of Our Team where NIDS experts were able to get together and identify future plans and activities (virtual).

November 5, 2022 – Deterrence Dialog

Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center

Curtis McGiffin, NIDS Vice President for Education, provided “Deterrence Dialog” presentation to the Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center (AFNWC) (virtual).

November 4, 2022 – NIDS Leadership Visit to the National Museum of the Air Force

The NIDS team reviews the Nuclear Triad

On November 4th, the NIDS Leadership team visited the National Museum of the Air Force.  As practitioners we had a great time exchanging stories and experiences. It was a great way to get to know each other in a new and valuable way. If you have never been to the museum, stop by and be prepared to be amazed.

NIDS at AF Museum

October 3, 2022 – NIDS Opened their Doors

Official News Release

For Immediate Release – October 3, 2022

The National Institute for Deterrence Studies (NIDS) opened its doors on October 3rd, 2022 for the purpose of providing deterrence research, education, and consulting that is focused on the role of deterrence in American national security. NIDS advocates for peace through the responsible application of America’s nuclear deterrent. The Institute believes in the war-inhibiting-value of nuclear weapons and seeks to advance the ways and means of deterrence to achieve and maintain lasting peace in a dangerous world. The National Institute for Deterrence Studies is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that informs and educates legislators, policymakers, national security practitioners, and the American public.

What makes NIDS different from other think tanks is both its laser-like focus on deterrence and the composition of its staff. Drawn from the nation’s military and civil service and comprised of men and women with significant experience in the nuclear enterprise, the National Institute for Deterrence Studies is an organization of practitioners.

The work of NIDS is focused on practical solutions for maintaining effective deterrence. The Institute has three lines of effort for advancing deterrence: education, research, and consultation. Each line of effort is interwoven with the application of deterrence practice and development of theory to build and sustain deterrence-minded planners, strategists, and operators.

“I regard effective nuclear deterrence as a cost-efficient and effective way for maintaining worldwide peace and stability. My desire is for NIDS to be a key driver in developing an appreciation of deterrence application throughout the United States.”said Dr. James Petrosky, President and co-founder of NIDS. He adds,“Our motto is ‘Think Deterrence’ because we want America to always think deterrence; waging deterrence is always cheaper than waging war.”

NIDSs seeks to inform and persuade both deterrence practitioners and the broader American public. In addition to informing today’s national security thinkers, operators, and leaders, NIDS endeavors to reach future leaders and thinkers interested in deterrence, which is why education plays a central role in the Institute’s efforts. Thus, the National Institute for Deterrence Studies is valuable to organizations seeking to develop a common language and approach to deterrence in an evolving workforce.

The National Institute for Deterrence Studies is a think tank of practitioners that endorses and advocates for peace-through-deterrence. Think deterrence today, tomorrow, always!

September 28, 2022 – Air Force Global Strike Command – NC3 Course

AFGSC photo

Dr. James Petrosky, NIDS President, presented Radio Frequency (RF) Communication and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) courseware to Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) Nuclear Command, Control and Communication (NC3) 200 students (virtual classroom).

June 27, 2022 – NIDS Was Born

National Institue for Deterrence Studies

: 27 June, 2022 as a non-profit LLC
Registered in the State of Delaware
Recognized:  State of Ohio, 30 June 2022
First “Official” Day: 1 October 2022

Jul 28 and 4 AUG, 2023 – Challenges with Communication in a Post Nuclear Environment